A commitment to excellence


A commitment to excellence


Frequently asked questions

"Our headcovers are made with the highest level of craftsmanship and are built to withstand the rigors of regular use. We stand behind the quality of our headcovers and offer a lifetime guarantee on their durability. If you encounter any issues with your headcover, simply contact us and we will be happy to repair or replace it with a comparable product. We take pride in the durability and longevity of our headcovers and want our customers to be completely satisfied with their purchase."

"Our leather headcovers are designed to be flexible and conform to the shape of your clubheads for a snug fit. They are made to stretch and accommodate the unique contours of each club, ensuring that they stay securely in place and protect your clubs from damage. These headcovers are expected to wear in and become more comfortable over time, typically within the first 1-2 months of use. When they do, the result is a headcover that looks and feels like it was made just for your clubs."

"To care for your leather headcovers, wipe them down with a soft, dry cloth to remove dirt and grime. If they are particularly dirty or wet, you can use a slightly damp cloth and mild soap to clean them. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they can damage the leather. Avoid storing the headcovers in direct sunlight or in extremely hot or humid conditions, as this can also cause damage."

"Our golf headcovers are designed to be flexible and are able to stretch to fit a variety of clubhead sizes and shapes."