Our company's mission is to design and create the highest quality handmade goods, all made in the USA. We believe in supporting American-made products and craftsmanship, and strive to produce items that are not only functional and aesthetically pleasing, but also built to last.

In addition to creating top-quality products, we aim to foster a strong community around our brand. We want to create a symbiotic relationship where our brand and community are constantly interacting and providing value to one another. Whether through social media engagement, product feedback, or participation in our events, we want our customers to feel like they are a part of something special and meaningful.

We also believe in giving back to our community, which is why we have dedicated a portion of our sales revenue to supporting up-and-coming PGA Tour hopefuls. We understand the importance of investing in the future of golf, and want to do our part to help talented young golfers achieve their dreams.

In addition to supporting aspiring golfers, we also use our sales revenue to host community golf events at some of the best courses around the country. These events bring together influencers and celebrities from all walks of life, creating a fun and memorable experience for everyone involved. We believe that golf is a universal sport that brings people together, and we want to use our events to celebrate this sense of community and camaraderie.

Overall, our mission is to create high-quality handmade products, foster a strong community around our brand, and use our success to give back to the golf community and support the next generation of PGA Tour hopefuls. We believe that by staying true to these values, we can create a positive and lasting impact on the world.